@ BrainyQuote.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Blog. It's not about being cool. It's about being real.

I chose the title for this blog based from who I am, not narrowly because it sounds cool or whatever. If you were looking for coolness when you got here, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. It's just me.

I was born in a dragon year. A FIRE dragon year. Thus, I'm a fiery-dragon. Why ridgeback instead of just dragon? Well, I admit that this one does chosen based on coolness. But not just that. In the Harry Potter tale, which I'm a fan (of the novels, not the movies), ridgeback is the most furious dragon... the fiery dragon. Furthermore, my name can be anagram-ed into DURI. Ridgeback, in the Indonesian translation of HP, is called naga ekor berDURI. You got me? It's just a play that ended up cool, I think. It's just fun.

Then, the fishy part. I also born in early March, so I'm a piscean. Fish. Furthermore, it's a cynical metaphor to some people who dub me untrustworthy... fishy. Not really a good cause, but what the hey. Again, it's just fun.

My chosen title may be somewhat based on fun, but the content itself remains real. That's what important. If not being real, why blogging at all?

For some background note, I had already blogging since 2004. I love my old blog, but I wanted a new template to represent myself now because I believe that I've develop myself so much that I just don't want to be represented by some of my old thoughts. Those thoughts are not wrong, just not valid anymore to where I'm standing now. Not all of them are obsolete so I still keeping the old blog, also to serve as life log... of the things I've been through to get where I am today.

So here we go.

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